Minecraft M2G

  • AMD Ryzen™ 9 5950x - 1 thread
  • 2 GB
  • 15 GB
  • 3 Backups
  • 3 Databases
  • 3 Ports

Configurable Options

Configurable options allow you to customize your product.

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

The amount of CPU you want to allocate to your service (100% = 1 thread)

Custom Options

Customize your service options for your package

Select the location
The version of Minecraft to download. Leave at latest to always get the latest version. Invalid versions will default to latest.
The build number for the Purpur release. Leave at latest to always get the latest version. Invalid versions will default to latest.

Payment method

Select the desired Payment method

Order Summary


Monthly $$1.60

Setup fee $$0.00

Options $0.00

Discount -$0.00

Due today



Once payment is completed, the amount you have selected will be credited to your account balance, enabling you to renew your services or place new orders.

How much do you want to add?